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Saturday, July 26, 2014

F(x) Red Light Review!!!


Awesome! First review ever and I'm super excited!!  First up, just an update, KpopTimez has its own twitter account so do follow KpopTimez at!! 

Now, time for F(x) amazing comeback review! This review will split into 2 different sections: The Music Video and The Song & Dance! So first, let me start of with the Music Video.

Music Video

OH MY GOD! THE MV IS SO FREAKING AMAZING! SO MUCH FEELS! OH GOD... I was totally not expecting this kind of concept for F(x)'s comeback! I did not see any teaser Pictures or videos before watching the music Video so I was really surprised!! LIKE OMG! 

The first time I watched the music video, I was like what's with the random burning book and the cat (THE CAT WAS SOOO CUTE!). BUT Once Krystal appeared, I was like OHH SH*T THIS IS GETTING REAL, SO MUCH FEELSSSSS (Sorry guises... My bias is Krystal, Hahahaha) 

The Half Make-Up look was really good and well done! AWESOME!

The Outfits were so simple yet chic! Finally, they are out of those ridiculous costumes their stylist chose for them and finally showing their mature feminine side which I really adore!! ❤️

The set is also DIFFERENT! FINALLY! They are not trapped in that stupid box which SM Entertainment always put them in... Even though it still looks like a set, more effort is definitely put in by SM, for that I can say well done!

Blue Red Blonde Black Brown!!!

The meaning of the Music Video though... 
Really confusing with all the symbolism. 

(Ringing Telephone? Err Okay?) 

(Burning Book? Err Okay?)

(Blue & Yellow eye Cat? Cute but err okay?) 

(Exploding Sunflower? Err okay?)

Despite all the random Symbolism that happens in the video, It was definitely something new which I really like! Hope SM would continue putting more effort into F(x)'s videos because F(x) has a lot hidden potentials which you are really not utilizing well!!!

The Song & Dance

 Wow! Just wow, it is like wow. Totally speechless! When i first heard the song, it felt really weird and awkward because it is really a new style by F(x) which I am not used to. After listening it for the second time, I was like YEAH YEAH THIS IS TOTALLY MY JAM! F(X) SARANGHAE!!! AHHHHH! AMAZING TO THE MAX!! I FEEL LIKE CRYING ALREADY OMG!!!  

Errr.. hahahaha, went crazy for a minute there but this became the top of my favourite kpop list and it is still the top of my list. It was just soo good! The build up was awesome at the start! 

With Krystal and Suili building up the song, when it reached Luna,

Victoria and Amber looked amazing as always!! 

The chorus was not bad, but it definitely could be better! 
But I still love it the way it is!!!

And then Luna RAPPED and i was like OH SH*T THIS IS GETTING SERIOUS! ❤️


Overall, i definitely love this song and would recommend this to my non-kpop friends because it is definitely not the cutesy type of kpop which i find super embarrassing to show to Non-Kpop friends.

Now ON to the DANCE! 

Just like the song, The dance is so AMAZING! Once the music plays, i would naturally start dancing along to the song! 

With the marching at the start, it was really interesting because it shows that the girls have the kind of Authority and Power feel to it. 

While showing that they have swag and power which can suppress all the FanGirl and FanBoy Feels! Too much to handle! 

The choreography is also complex yet fun to follow and dance too!

The use of shadows was also a really good and smart idea!

While i would love to talk about every single thing about the video, it would be better to experience it yourself and watch the Music Video for yourself! Do watch F(x)'s Red Light here:

Overall, I would rate this comeback 85/100! AWESOME A+ Do support F(x) with their comeback "Red Light" and hope to do another review soon! See you guises soon! 

Thank you for reading this super long review! ❤️

All photos belong to SM Entertainment while contents are made from my opinion. 

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