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Thursday, October 10, 2013

[NEWS] Clara reveal her thoughts on Lying Controversy

The first episode of Clara's personal reality program 'Clara's Like a Virgin' aired on October 8th and is set to run for four more weeks.

In this premiere, Clara unsurprisingly addressed the lying controversy that had been following her for quite a while now.  She acknowledged that the controversy was her fault.

She said, "The controversy continued for about three months.  Every week felt like one year.  It was to the point that I was scared to go to filming locations . . . The other cast members all supported me, but that just made me more clueless about what to do.  I wondered if it were all right for me to smile."

She continued, "I only had the desire to be alone . . . I realized that I had been the only one excited by the people's love.  I don't know why I always wanted to do well.  Nevertheless, I worry . . . whether the public will get to like me if I were to say I see myself as I am."

She also revealed some of her personal past in regards to her family while shedding tears.

After Clara finished eating with her parents, she revealed, "I was born in Switzerland.  I could not be with my mother because she had to assist my father as his wife . . . When I was in the third grade, my family lived together for the first time.  We lived together until I was in the 6th grade for a total of only three years," meaning that out of all twenty-eight years of her life, she only spent three of them with her parents.

She said, "Now that I think about it, I think I kept trying to smile because I felt very lonely.  When I smiled, it was okay to deal with it.  That is why I kept trying to smile and not be sad."

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